Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Amarillo Texas to Albuquerque New Mexico (379 Miles)

Who is pointing out the obvious???
At 5 am I was wide awake and already trying to work out in my mind how the day was going to unfold. Every time when we head off to the next destination we may know where we are going to stop for the night but we never know what scenery and experiences may unfold for the day.
Today was no exception. We left Amarillo after a fantastic night at the Texan Steak House (See previous post) and headed out on the main highway to Albuquerque and after a quick 80 mph cruise for a couple of hours we turned off on to the old Route 66 once again.
After following this we found another town called Las Vegas but not the one everyone knows but a small village with the mexican feel like all the other villages that we were to encounter.
Further on we came to a village called Madrid where we stopped for lunch. This village was a haven for local artists who had settled in the area to create their mexican/american style artwork.
From there we continued on to Albuquerque where due to a GPS malfunction in the group we became separated from the rest of the group and by following our GPS we ended up checking in and settling in before the rest.
Jack who travelled with us from Tulsa happens to live in Albuquerque and invited us along with his wife Linda to their favorite Mexican restaurant and we finished the day off with great food and a couple of margaritas.
We leave Clint and Charleen here until we meet again in Las Vegas so tomorrow Ken and Christine and Kerry and I will head back up to Utah.
Our steeds parked in front of a diner in a small village
called Madrid.
Kerry liked this one....
Kerry relaxing after lunch.
A small church in a mexican village.

The flat and uninspiring plains of New Mexico (Other
parts are very different with great hills and valley's)


  1. Hi Bob & Kerry we are enjoying your updates very much ,great photos still wish we were there with you. Bye for now Pam and Wayne

  2. Hi Guy's, We have just brought ourselves up to date with your travels having been"entertaining" Grandchildren for a few days. Great fun, but not as much fun as you are having. We continue to enjoy your travels and experiences - the scenery and 'food' certainly play an interesting part in all your travels. Our friends from Canberra have just retuned from a similar trip in a caravan and I must admit food and hospitality was high on the list.We look forward to more exciting news, meanwhile Take Care

  3. The scenery is amazing. So glad that you are having a good time.
